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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Baltimore, MD

Even if you take special care of your teeth, dental issues come up. Sometimes, these dental issues are serious enough to need emergency care. This kind of emergency can be scary to experience. When it happens on a weekend, it may be even more so as most dentist offices are closed. Dental emergencies cannot be ignored, so it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. If you are suffering from a dental emergency, you need to find a weekend emergency dentist.

With Emergency Dental Service, you have the help you need in finding a dentist open on weekends to have your dental emergency taken care of immediately. Enduring severe pain over the weekend until Monday, when regular hours begin, is not ideal or comfortable for you. This is why we are here: to find a dentist open on a Saturday or Sunday and seek the treatment you need and the pain relief that you want.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies include oral issues that need the immediate attention of a dentist. Sometimes, the problem may be one tooth or many of your teeth. Sometimes, you may believe that the pain you are experiencing may warrant an emergency dental visit, but it actually is not a dental emergency. If you are experiencing any of these issues, then you have a dental emergency:

  • Pain in one or many teeth that does not subside after taking pain medication
  • A split tooth
  • A tooth that has been loosened enough to move
  • An abscess, including swelling of the face and the jaw
  • Once restored teeth that have become lost or broken
  • A soft tissue injury that involves a deep cut
  • Non-stop bleeding

It’s important to seek dental care as soon as you can if you are experiencing any or several of these problems. If not treated, other issues can result over time, such as an infection that spreads or the loss of a tooth. When a dental problem arises, each moment can affect the outcome of your recovery. This is why it is essential to find the treatment you need as soon as possible.

Weekend Emergency Dentist

Common Causes of Dental Emergencies

Many different types of oral conditions can contribute to dental emergencies, such as decaying teeth, disease of the gums, and temporomandibular disorders. However, it isn’t always a result of already existing oral problems that contribute to dental emergencies; instead, they can happen due to everyday activities.

These everyday activities can include things like contact sports, worksite accidents, automobile accidents, a slip and fall accident, eating hard food like a hard candy or popcorn kernel, or inappropriately using teeth (like using teeth to cut tape). Getting treatment for any kind of oral issue is important, but it is especially important to seek treatment for a dental emergency as soon as possible.

What Services a Weekend Dentist in Baltimore, MD Offers

Oral emergencies require different dental treatments. There are several commonly needed dental emergency treatments, such as tooth fillings, crown repairs, denture repairs, dental implant repairs, root canals, and tooth extractions.

Tooth Fillings

Cavities are tiny holes that develop in a tooth and are one of the more common oral issues that occur over time. They are a result of acidity eroding the teeth over time, which can be prevented with thorough care of the teeth, like having your teeth regularly cleaned at the dentist’s and making sure to brush twice a day and floss at least once a day. Unfortunately, though, even if you take good care of your teeth, you can still develop cavities.

A cavity can cause a lot of pain if left untreated for too long. If you find yourself with a painful cavity over the weekend, a dentist open on Saturday or Sunday can treat your cavity just as if you were going to a dentist that is open during the weekday.

When a cavity is filled, the tooth is filled with a particular material meant to repair a cavity. The materials used are either the same color as a tooth or it is a silver color, called amalgam. While fillings are meant to last long term, they can fall out and need replacing.

Crown Repairs

Crowns are used for fixing broken, decayed, or brittle teeth. The crown is much like a hat as it covers the bad tooth. If you suddenly notice that a crown has become loose, is cracked, or is completely broken, you need to seek dental treatment as soon as you can. A broken or cracked crown can result in serious dental issues, and if this dental emergency happens over the weekend, you should find a weekend dentist to repair the issue.

Denture Repairs

Dentures act much like natural teeth, giving the user the ability to eat normally and speak clearly, as well as giving them confidence in their appearance. When an accident occurs and dentures are broken, this can cause the person to panic.

Just as with natural teeth, emergency denture issues need to be treated as soon as possible. Issues with dentures can cause difficulties in eating normally or speaking normally, as well as other potential health issues. Finding a dentist's office open on Saturday or Sunday can provide you with the emergency dental repair service that you need.

Dental Implant Repairs

Dental implants are meant to replace a missing tooth, using a metal root to serve as the anchor for the false tooth. These implants can replace teeth that have decayed or have fallen out. It is a different choice for those who do not want dentures. Implants can develop issues over time, such as one becoming loose or broken.

Discovering that you have a problem with your implants requires immediate attention. Don’t delay in getting dental treatment, as any cracked or broken implants can cause further medical issues if not treated.

Root Canals

Root canals are a more serious procedure that is used to treat a diseased tooth. Damage to the pulp or nerves of the tooth can cause infection, and a root canal treats the issue as it removes bacteria feeding the infection. Afterward, the tooth is disinfected, filled, and sealed with a material that prevents the tooth from decaying further.

You may need a root canal if you are experiencing certain symptoms such as a chipped tooth, a seriously cracked tooth, overwhelming pain when biting down, swelling gums, gum decay, inability to eat hot food or drink cold beverages due to pain, and sores found on the gums.

Don’t delay in getting the right treatment for any of these symptoms since they can develop into more serious problems later on. Even though root canals are a more serious dental procedure, they can help resolve dental emergencies and preserve your teeth.

Tooth Extractions

Teeth are sometimes not able to be repaired and instead need to be removed. Often, a tooth extraction is a scheduled procedure. But sometimes, an emergency tooth extraction is necessary when particular symptoms develop.

A tooth extraction may become a dental emergency if you develop ongoing pain that does not stop even after taking pain relievers, swollen areas around the tooth, non-stop bleeding, pus that oozes from the gums, or a severely damaged tooth that has exposed pulp or nerves.

If you have any of these symptoms, it is suggested that you waste no time in seeking dental treatment, even if it is over the weekend. Waiting for too long to receive treatment can result in further oral issues. A weekend emergency dentist can give you the treatment needed.

Preventing Dental Emergencies

Injuries are unavoidable, no matter what you do to prevent them. Still, there are things that can be done to ensure that dental emergencies and other accidents are less likely to occur. In the event that you play a sport, be sure to wear the proper gear to protect yourself. When driving in the car, make sure to keep your seatbelt fastened to keep your face and body from possibly hitting the dashboard or steering wheel in an accident.

Protect yourself from accidents that can happen in your home by clearing up any clutter to prevent falls. Keep your teeth well cleaned by flossing and brushing multiple times a day, and visit the dentist regularly. Don’t use your teeth to open sharp or hard objects, and don’t eat food that is too hard. When a dental emergency occurs on a Saturday or Sunday, seek a dentist who is open on weekends to treat your emergency.

What To Expect From an Emergency Visit With a Weekend Dentist in Baltimore, MD

Even though emergency appointments may be different due to the fact that it is an urgent matter, your visit will still be much like a regular dentist appointment. You will likely have a shorter wait time to be seen by the dentist.

The first thing the dentist will probably do is to assess your dental problem by looking inside your mouth. You will be asked about any symptoms you have and anything that led to the issue. Sometimes, X-rays may be taken. The dentist will then figure out the next step to remedy the problem.

In some cases, the dentist will give you temporary treatment until you can go to a dentist on weekdays. If the oral issue is more serious, then the dentist may treat the issue on that same day. Sometimes, the root cause of the issue is not noticeable during the initial visit to the emergency dentist, so the problem may not be resolved that day during the emergency visit. Even if they can’t discover the real issue, the dentist will do all that they can to treat your pain.

Dental Offices Open On Saturday

Will It Cost More To Have Emergency Dental Work Done?

It is often assumed that receiving emergency dental work is more costly than going to a dentist during regular hours. It is likely that you will pay more for having emergency work done on a weekend if you need certain emergency treatments. Even though it can cost more, it will save you from intense pain and other negative side effects.

An increased cost of dental emergency work done over the weekend can vary depending on whether specialized work is needed. Specialty treatments can require additional equipment and multiple procedures, which are different from a regular check-up appointment. Additionally, if the need for a visit is urgent, then the cost may be increased. If you need to visit a dentist over the weekend, that dentist may cost more due to their availability.

Remember that even though an emergency dental visit is expensive, you may have payment options available to you. Many dentists have the option to pay a bill in installments and may even offer discounts if you ask about it. Don’t allow the high cost of emergency care to stop you from receiving needed treatment.

How I Can Find a Dentist Near Me Open on a Saturday

Having to handle oral pain over the weekend is difficult enough. You don’t want to have to also search for a dental office that is open on weekends. There is a sense of urgency as you need to be treated quickly, but you may not be aware of any emergency dental offices that offer reliable services. Contacting an Emergency Dental Service representative will assist you in locating a dental office that is open on weekends near you.

How To Book a Weekend Dentist in Baltimore, MD

Booking an appointment with Emergency Dental Service makes it possible to find a weekend dentist in Baltimore, MD. If you speak with us, we will help you find a local dentist who can treat your dental emergency, even if it happens on a weekend.

Rather, let the Emergency Dental Service team find a dentist who can meet your needs. You may use our online listing to schedule an appointment and get the treatment you need at any time of the week. If you wish to contact us by phone, you can call us at 1-833-624-1382 to speak with a representative who can assist you in finding a dentist for you.