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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Des Moines, IA

A mild toothache can quickly erupt into a dental emergency that requires the prompt attention of a weekend dentist in Des Moines, IA. Whether the underlying cause is tooth decay, an abscess, or infected gums, urgent care is needed to prevent your dental emergency from becoming a serious health risk.

One problem people in De Moines may run into is where to go on the weekend for emergency dentistry. There are times when your oral health cannot wait. Fortunately, our weekend dental team can provide prompt dental treatments, whether you arrive with or without an appointment.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

What Qualifies as a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any dental problem that causes significant discomfort or pain, uncontrolled bleeding, or serious risk to your oral health or overall health. The signs of a dental emergency are often unmistakably clear. Over-the-counter pain medications are often not enough to quell oral pain.

Signs of physical damage are common as well, whether it be from a chipped or cracked tooth or gum laceration. Another common characteristic of a dental emergency is that the dental problems cannot be resolved on their own and require urgent medical treatment. Untreated dental emergencies can quickly become life-threatening and require trips to the emergency room.

A dental abscess, for example, can become life-threatening if it spreads to other parts of the body. Although the signs and symptoms of a dental emergency are typically obvious, you can call a weekend dentist in De Moines to discuss your symptoms. Prompt dental care is crucial for preventing further damage to your health.

Dental Offices Open On Saturday

Causes of a Dental Emergency

There are many potential causes of a dental emergency, but some are more common than others. When people require an urgent visit to their weekend emergency dentist, it is usually for one of these reasons.

  • Blows to the head: Whether from a baseball, a falling object, or any other cause of impact, an unexpected blow to the face can crack, chip, and dislodge one or more teeth. One way you can reduce the chances of these causes of dental emergencies is by wearing effective safety helmets when playing sports and other activities.
  • Tooth decay: Unaddressed tooth decay can lead to a deep cavity or root canal infection that causes significant discomfort. There are many causes of tooth decay, ranging from poor oral hygiene habits to loose fillings and high-sugar diets. When decay works its way through the enamel, the infection can begin spreading quickly through the softer dentin underneath.
  • Infections: Bacteria is a normal presence in the mouth, but uncontrolled pockets of bacterial growth can compromise your oral health. Infections can affect any area of the mouth, from the gums to the teeth and even the jawbone. Infections tend to spread quickly, and symptoms often include pain and swelling.
  • Damaged dental restorations: Loose fillings, cracked crowns, and damaged bridges can cause discomfort and other serious dental problems. Damaged restorations can also leave teeth vulnerable to infections and decay. If your crown, inlay, or onlay feels “off,” it could be a sign that you need to visit the dentist. If you notice any swelling or serious discomfort near your restoration, it may be best to schedule an urgent visit to the dentist just to be safe.
  • Soft tissue injuries: The gums and cheeks are highly vascular. Cuts inside the mouth can quickly lead to uncontrolled bleeding that requires the help of a weekend dentist. Whether the laceration is due to an impact or something you bit, any uncontrollable bleeding should be taken seriously.

No matter the cause of your dental emergency, prompt attention by a weekend emergency dentist can restore your oral health and prevent the need for more invasive procedures.

Benefits of Weekend Dentistry

A serious dental emergency can endanger your overall health. Once an infection begins to fester, it will likely continue to spread unless medical intervention treats the infection. With prompt treatment at a local weekend dentist’s office, you can preserve your natural teeth while reducing the need for more invasive dental treatments.

Weekend dentistry can also help you recover more quickly by addressing the symptoms as soon as they become apparent. If there are no weekend dentists available, you may have no choice but to wait in line at an emergency room.

A trip to the hospital could mean that you do not receive the treatment you need to fully address the dental problem because emergency rooms are tasked with stabilizing patients and not necessarily performing every treatment needed to address the dental problems. An emergency dentist can more fully address your dental needs.

If you have concerns about missing work, an emergency dentist can help reduce your recovery timeline by providing prompt treatments before your dental problems require more invasive treatments. In some cases, you may be able to return to work after a day or two following treatment. You should always follow your dentist’s recommendations about rest and recovery following an emergency dental visit.

 Weekend Emergency Dentist

Five Most Common Dental Emergencies

A weekend emergency dentist can treat any dental emergency. Some are more common than others. Our dental office has the resources and staff on hand to treat these and other dental emergencies.

  1. Root canal infection: This serious type of infection occurs when the pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth) becomes inflamed or infected. This is often due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, or a crack in the tooth. Symptoms include severe toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold, and swelling in the gums. Immediate treatment typically involves a root canal procedure to remove the infected pulp, disinfect the root canals, and seal the treated tooth to prevent the return of an infection.
  2. Abscess: An abscess is a localized infection that forms at the root of a tooth or in the gums. This pocket of infection is usually caused by severe decay, gum disease, or trauma. Symptoms can include throbbing pain, swelling, fever, and an off taste in the mouth. Treating an abscess typically involves draining the abscess.
  3. Loose tooth: A loose tooth can be caused by trauma, gum disease, or other dental problems. In adults, a loose tooth is often the result of underlying gum disease. Treatment might involve a deep cleaning or other procedures to stabilize it and address the underlying issue.
  4. Cracked tooth: Cracked teeth can range from minor surface cracks to severe fractures that extend into the tooth’s root. Symptoms include pain while chewing, sensitivity to hot or cold, and discomfort when biting down. Treatment depends on the severity of the crack and might involve dental bonding, a crown, or, in severe cases, extraction.
  5. Knocked-out tooth: This emergency occurs when a tooth is completely dislodged from its socket, often due to trauma or injury. Immediate action is crucial. Prompt treatment can increase the chances of saving the tooth.
  6. Impacted wisdom tooth:

What Happens at a Weekend Dentist Appointment?

Due to the nature of dental emergencies, you may or may not be able to call ahead to notify us about your visit. We are able to handle walk-in visits. If you are dealing with a serious dental emergency, our team can make your case a priority.

Our dentist will begin by assessing your dental emergency to see what the cause of your oral pain and discomfort could be. This could include a visual examination of your teeth and gums and the use of advanced imaging to diagnose your symptoms correctly.

Once our weekend dentist understands what is causing your symptoms, they will promptly begin treating your dental problems. The first step often involves using local anesthesia to numb the teeth and gums near the source of the infection or injury. Once you are comfortable, the dentist can address the cause of your dental emergency.

Once the site has been treated, sutures or gauze will be used to control bleeding, and you will be given recovery directions. Following treatment, you will likely be advised to have someone drive you home so you can rest and recover. Avoiding strenuous activity and avoiding damaging the treatment site can help you recover more quickly.

Common Emergency Treatment Procedures

One common cause of dental emergencies is a root canal infection. When bacteria reach the inner areas of a tooth, the infection can spread quickly. A root canal infection is a serious dental emergency that our office can treat.

The first step involves numbing the treatment area so you can enjoy immediate relief from discomfort. Our dentist can use a special drill to reach the infected area inside your tooth. The infected soft tissue is then removed, and the space that is left over is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to ensure that the infection does not return.

Once that process is complete, our dentist can place a special putty inside the tooth to protect the structure of your tooth before sealing the tooth using a restoration. Root canal treatments are performed fairly often, and the treatment preserves your natural tooth.

In cases where a natural tooth needs to be removed, our dentist can begin by using local anesthesia to numb the tooth and gums. The next step involves using a special tool to loosen and remove the tooth gently. When removing molars, the process may require breaking the tooth into smaller parts before the tooth fragments are carefully removed.

Treating an abscessed tooth requires prompt action to prevent the infection from spreading. The dentist may prescribe antibiotics to combat the infection and recommend pain relievers to manage discomfort.

In some cases, draining the abscess might be necessary, which involves making a small incision to release the pus. Depending on the severity, root canal therapy may be performed to remove the infected tissue and save the tooth, or the tooth may need to be extracted if it cannot be salvaged.

Significant tooth decay can cause discomfort. After numbing the tooth, our dentist can use a special drill to remove the decayed enamel gently. Once the decayed tooth structure has been removed, our weekend dentist can clean the tooth carefully before placing tooth-colored fillings that match the luster and color of your enamel. The filling is then hardened using a special light. Once the filling is hardened, a drill can polish and smooth the surface.

Why Don’t All Dentists Stay Open on Weekends?

You may be wondering why more dentists do not offer weekend hours. A dental emergency can happen on any day, so there is clearly a need for emergency services on the weekends as well as on weekdays.

The main reason that most dental offices are open only four or five days a week is that dentists prefer to work regular business hours. Some dental practices may not have a high enough number of patients to justify staying open for more than four or five days. While office hours on Monday through Thursday or Friday afford a nice work-life balance for those dentists, it does not always provide the best service to patients who may need urgent dental care on weekends.

That’s where we come in by offering a dentist open on Saturdays. We understand that dental emergencies cannot wait. We keep our doors open through the weekend, so you do not have to put off critical procedures that need to be addressed immediately. Due to the unconventional hours we stay open and the high level of care we provide, our office charges proportionally for our services.

Emergency Dental Service

Dental emergencies can strike unexpectedly, causing pain and distress that require prompt attention. If you’re facing a situation such as a severe toothache, a cracked tooth, or any other urgent dental issue, it's crucial to get professional help as soon as possible.

Our network of local emergency dentists is equipped to handle a wide range of dental emergencies, ensuring you receive the care you need without delay. To schedule an appointment with a qualified emergency dentist near you, visit our provider search page.

If you need immediate assistance in or near Des Moines or have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us at 1-833-624-1382 or to reach out to our office online so we can connect you to the best local dental office. Our dedicated team is available to guide you through the process and connect you with the right care.