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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Laguna Woods, CA

No one wishes for a dental emergency to happen, but it’s always good to have a game plan ready for if they do. Emergencies like this must often be treated promptly before they get worse. Because many dentist offices are closed on weekends, it may be difficult to find a dentist who can help you. This is why you need a weekend emergency dentist you can trust.

Your emergency may not allow you time to wait until the start of the week, especially if the injury is causing you pain. Emergency Dental Service has the resources available to help you find a dentist open on weekends that can help you in your time of need. If you’re located in Laguna Woods, CA, use Emergency Dental Service to secure dependable and timely dental care.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

What a Dental Emergency Is

A dental emergency can be any problem that arises in your mouth that needs immediate attention. While not all dental problems are emergencies, some of them can be scary, and it’s better for you to get checked out by a dentist than to wait. If an emergency happens on the weekend, then you need to do everything you can to get in to see a dentist over the weekend. If you have pain that isn’t getting better with medication, bleeding that won’t stop, or facial bones that are broken, you may need emergency care.

The first thing you should do if facing a dental emergency is call your dentist and explain the problem. Several dentists have emergency phone numbers you can call outside of regular business hours. In many cases, if the dentist can see you, they will treat you in their office. There are several examples of things that could be considered a dental emergency.

  • Severe toothache. Dealing with a severe toothache is never pleasant. There are several things you can do to find some temporary relief, like thoroughly rinsing your mouth with warm water or using floss to dislodge any food that’s stuck between your teeth. If there’s swelling around your mouth, you should try applying an ice pack or some other form of cold compress. Over-the-counter pain relievers could also be helpful in these cases. All of these are temporary solutions, and if the pain persists, you should see a dentist immediately for further treatment.
  • Cracked tooth. If you have a chipped or broken tooth, that would cause an alarm. This often happens because of an accident or sports injury. If you can, you should save and rinse off any broken pieces of the tooth. Rinse out your mouth with warm water, and if there’s any bleeding, apply some gauze to the area until the bleeding stops. A cold compress around the outside of your mouth, lip, or cheek can also help relieve pain and keep swelling down.
  • Abscess. An abscess is a swollen area or pimple-like infection that can happen around the root of the tooth or in your gums. These infections can be serious and often get worse over time if left untreated. It could damage the tissue in your mouth and the surrounding teeth. An infection could also lead to swelling in the jaw and face and even spread to other parts of the body. Rinsing your mouth out with a saltwater solution and trying to draw the pus out toward the surface are ways to help ease the pain. However, a long-term solution is absolutely needed, so you should schedule an emergency appointment with a weekend dentist.
  • Knocked out tooth. A tooth that is knocked out would be an emergency. Whether it was because of a sports-related injury or a freak accident, you may only have a certain amount of time to repair the tooth. You should retrieve the tooth and rinse it off with water. Hold it by the crown (the part that's visible just above your gums). Avoid scrubbing it or removing any tissue fragments. Schedule an appointment with a dentist immediately and take the tooth to them so they can try to replant it. You should never try to force the tooth back in its place.

Managing Symptoms Until I See a Dentist

While you should immediately try to get in to see a dentist about your emergency, there are some things you can do while you are waiting. These tips can help to relieve the pain you are feeling depending on the type of emergency you’re dealing with.

  • Cracked or chipped teeth. If you have a cracked tooth and it’s not causing you any serious pain, you may be able to wait to see a dentist. However, if there’s a sharp edge irritating your cheek or tongue, you should cover it with orthodontic wax, which can be purchased at most pharmacies.
  • Broken braces. Broken braces could be a dental emergency if they cause bleeding in your mouth. A broken wire poking out into your cheek or tongue can be frustrating to deal with. You could try gently bending the end of the wire with a pencil eraser or covering it with orthodontic wax.
  • An object stuck in between your teeth. Using floss is a great way to remove something stuck in your teeth gently. You could also try using an interproximal brush. You should never use a sharp object to dislodge something in your teeth. If you believe the stuck object is cause for alarm and could be an emergency, you should contact Emergency Dental Service.
  • Soft tissue injury. You should rinse your mouth with salt water or an antibacterial mouthwash. You could also try applying pressure to the affected area with some cotton gauze. If you have constant bleeding, you should go immediately to the dentist.
  • Dull toothache. A toothache can be helped by rinsing your mouth with warm water. You could also try flossing your teeth to make sure nothing is lodged in between them. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also be helpful.

Signs You Need Emergency Dental Care

Dental emergencies, in many cases, happen out of the blue. However, there are warning signs you can look out for. Being aware and looking out for these symptoms can help save your teeth and help you maintain your health. Some issues can wait until the next scheduled visit during normal business hours, but some need to be treated right away to avoid further damage. The following signs are important to watch out for, and if you experience any of them, you should consider getting immediate dental care.

  • Uncontrollable or excessive bleeding. This is usually caused by brushing or flossing too hard. This bleeding can be a sign of a greater issue and should be checked out by an emergency dental care professional. It could be a sign of a gum disease.
  • Loose or missing teeth. If your tooth is loose in your mouth or it gets completely knocked out, you should seek immediate attention. A knocked-out tooth is a very time-sensitive matter. You only have a limited amount of time before it’s too late to reinstall the tooth.
  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. If you have a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth, it could make you susceptible to infections or further decay. An emergency dentist is often needed to evaluate the situation, analyze the severity of the injury, and determine the appropriate treatment solution.
  • Inflammation in the gums or jaw. Any swelling in the gums or jaw could be a sign of an injury or infection. It can spread to other parts of the body.
  • Intense pain. Any intense, severe, or excruciating pain could be a sign of a greater issue and should immediately be addressed. Common causes include infections, abscesses, or tooth decay. Get in to see a weekend dentist promptly for help.
 Weekend Emergency Dentist

Common Causes of Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can be caused by a variety of different things. They can bring an unformattable amount of anxiety and discomfort to those who experience them. Understanding some of the causes of dental emergencies can help better understand ways to proactively prevent them from happening as frequently. While some dental problems can arise suddenly, some problems are gradual and, if left unaddressed, could lead to emergencies.

Untreated Cavities

An untreated or neglected cavity can quickly escalate into a dental emergency. The enamel is gradually weakened by tooth decay, allowing the cavity to deepen over time. If left untreated, they can cause excruciating amounts of pain. They could also lead to infections or abscesses. A great way to help identify cavities before they turn into larger problems is by routinely getting dental check-ups and consistently brushing and flossing.

Trauma and Accidents

Whether it's a fall, a car accident, or a sports injury, these kinds of events can lead to dental emergencies. The sheer impact of these incidents could cause teeth to shift, crack, or even get entirely dislodged from the mouth. This could lead to severe trauma and pain. There could be bleeding and structural damage in the mouth, making it necessary that you get emergency dental treatment. One way to help prevent this from happening is by wearing mouthguards during physical activities such as playing football or basketball.

Complications With Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth can cause serious problems in people’s mouths. This is one of the most common forms of dental emergencies observed. The problem usually is that when wisdom teeth erupt, there isn’t enough room in the mouth. Our mouths are no longer big enough to hold all our teeth. If wisdom teeth erupt through the gums improperly, it could cause pain and infections. Monitoring your wisdom teeth through regular dental checkups can be a great way to prepare for this sort of incident. It can allow you time to create a plan for how to address your wisdom teeth when they do erupt.

Abscess and Gum Infections

Abscess often starts with an infection in the gums that gets worse and worse. Gum infections can be caused by an untreated cavity or a gum disease. It can create painful pockets of pus in or around the mouth. This must immediately be addressed in order to avoid further oral complications. Some symptoms can include a foul taste in your mouth, a fever, or throbbing or swelling pain.

Orthodontic Issues

Any issue with an orthodontic appliance, such as braces, could be an emergency. It could be a loose bracket, a displaced band, or a broken wire. This could lead to soft tissue damage or another kind of oral injury. Immediate assistance may be required to help resolve this.

Costs of Emergency Dental Work

Many people assume that emergency dental work will cost more than dental work done during the course of standard business hours. This is not necessarily true. If you call in to see a dentist on the weekend because of an emergency, you can expect the dentist to diagnose the problem first and then give you your options and prices. With that being said, it is difficult to determine how much your treatment will cost before you get in to see the dentist.

The amount of money it will cost depends on the level and complexity of dental work required. The most important thing to do is get in and get your emergency resolved. If you are in pain, the main focus should be on finding relief.

Dental Offices Open On Saturday

Finding a Weekend Dentist in Laguna Woods, CA

Finding an emergency dentist on the weekend can be challenging, but thanks to the team at Emergency Dental Services, you can get in and see a dental care professional in a timely fashion. Whether you’re dealing with a painful toothache, a chipped or loose tooth, or some other form of dental injury, a weekend dentist could be the solution you need.

Take advantage of the online search tool provided by Emergency Dental Service to help you find the emergency dentist you need. You could also call 1-833-624-1382 to schedule an appointment at an office near you. If you’re dealing with an emergency and need help as soon as possible, don't wait until the week to get checked out. A dentist can help find the right solution for you, and if a permanent solution cannot be discovered over the weekend, they can at least provide a temporary solution to relieve your pain.