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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Las Vegas, NV

Dental emergencies are an unfortunately common occurrence. These situations can be frightening, especially when they happen over the weekend. Even though many dentist offices are closed during the weekend, you need to get in immediately to have your dental emergency addressed. A weekend dentist will be needed promptly. In many cases, you cannot afford to wait.

Emergency Dental Service helps connect people who need emergency dental care with dentist offices that are open over the weekend. You can’t wait til Monday, especially if you’re in pain or you have a tooth that’s knocked out. Utilize the resources at Emergency Dental Service to get in to see a dentist immediately.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

Identifying a Dental Emergency

There are a few important signs to look out for that could mean you need immediate and emergency dental care.


If you see bleeding in your gums after you brush or floss, that is cause for concern. Bleeding gums are usually a warning sign of gum disease or gingivitis. If you notice a smell when flossing or aching or swelling gums, it could also be a sign of a disease.

Cracked or Broken Tooth

A tooth that’s cracked or broken requires immediate attention from a dentist. The top priority is saving the tooth. To do this, you need to act fast and find a weekend dentist.


If you have inflammation in the gums or jaw, it could be a sign of infection or some other serious injury. Inflammation can spread quickly to other parts of the body, so it's critical to have a dentist check out who can properly diagnose the problem.

Intense Pain

Any severe, excruciating, or intense pain could be an indication of something seriously wrong in your mouth. Pain like this should immediately be addressed. In many cases, this kind of pain is caused by an infection, tooth decay, or abscess.

Toothaches or Pain

Nearly everyone will experience some tooth pain at some point. When this pain becomes excruciating, it could be considered an emergency. It can cripple your day, and if left untreated, it could result in infection. With a toothache, you could experience pain around the tooth, gums, or jaw area. This could be because of a variety of different oral problems. It could be a dental cavity, chipped or cracked teeth, gum disease, dental abscess, or poor oral hygiene. Some of these issues are more urgent than others, but each one should be taken seriously and addressed promptly.

Services a Weekend Dentist Can Offer

There are several important dental services a weekend dentist can offer. Whether it’s a crown repair, root canal, tooth extraction, or a tooth filling, a dentist can provide whatever necessary treatment you need to relieve your pain and solve your problem.

Tooth Filling

One of the most common dental emergencies that arise are cavities or small holes in teeth. This can happen because of acid erosion over time. Some good ways to prevent these cavities are to brush and flush multiple times a day and do it on a consistent basis. Regularly scheduled cleanings with a dentist can also go a long way toward helping maintain proper oral care and hygiene. A dentist open on Saturday or Sunday may be needed to fill the tooth.

Exam and X-ray

An exam or x-ray may be necessary to fully understand the magnitude of the issue and provide the right solution. While there may be visible signs of the problem in your gums or teeth such as a broken tooth or swelling, there could be damage that is unseen. In many cases, the only way to accurately identify the cause of the issue is by exam or x-ray. It’s important to remember that pain in your tooth could go away temporarily, but that doesn’t mean the problem has been resolved. Until the root cause has been identified, you may continue to experience problems.

You don’t want the pain to return. If you leave your dental emergency untreated, it could lead to further complications that result in a more expensive and extensive treatment and even the permanent loss of teeth. Regular dental exams are another great way of identifying issues before they become a big problem.

Tooth Extraction

A weekend dentist will usually advocate for saving and repairing the tooth when possible. It could be done through a root canal or a crown. However, there are times when repair is not possible, and the only course of action is to remove the tooth. This is done through extraction. A dentist can safely remove your tooth and keep you comfortable throughout the process by using anesthetics and attentive care.

If you have a tooth that was knocked loose, you should immediately see an emergency dentist. With loose teeth, you only have a certain amount of time before it’s too late to repair and reinstall the tooth. Get in to see a dentist as soon as possible who can determine the right course of action.

Dental Crown

A dental crown, sometimes referred to as a cap, can be placed over a damaged, unattractive, or restored tooth in order to give it its function or look in the mouth. Crowns are usually made from very strong ceramic or porcelain material. They are created to match the color or surrounding teeth to make them look natural.

Emergency crowns are necessary in some cases to restore a damaged tooth. Sometimes, crowns can be placed on a tooth temporarily while the permanent one is being fabricated.

Root Canals

All teeth have at least one root. Some teeth can have up to four roots depending on the person and where the tooth is in the mouth. Roots can extend below the gum line, and they can sometimes become infected, causing severe pain and inflammation. For teeth with infected roots, a root canal may be the right solution. The number one goal of a root canal is to save the tooth.

Treatment can include cleaning out the canals inside the root of the tooth, filling the canales, capping the tooth with a strong crown, or removing the abscess. Although root canal therapy is often believed to be very painful or at least seriously uncomfortable, the procedure is designed to relieve you of the pain. A root canal can help relieve you from suffering from an infection in the root of your tooth and get you to feel pain-free and healthy again.

Dental Offices Open On Saturday

How Much a Root Canal Costs

Many people wonder what the cost of a root canal is. It’s important to understand that the costs can vary depending on several different factors. A few of the many factors include.

  • The affected tooth. Front teeth are usually easier to work on and access. Therefore, any work done on these teeth could be cheaper. Rear teeth, such as the molars, are more challenging to access, so it could require more work, which is more expensive.
  • Location. The cost of a root canal can vary depending on which area you live in. Prices are usually subject to the local market.
  • Additional services are required. With a root canal, it’s common for other services to be necessary. Things such as a crown or a bridge. A tooth that needs a root canal has large amounts of decay or a cavity. Additional restoration will usually be required to save the tooth or prevent further damage.
  • Previous treatment. If there was a previous root canal done on the same tooth, that can complicate the treatment. It usually means an increase in the amount of time and effort needed, therefore increasing the costs.
  • Costs of the crown. After the root canal procedure has been completed, the tooth will likely need a crown to restore it. Similar to the procedure itself, the cost of the crown will depend on the specific tooth affected.
 Weekend Emergency Dentist

What a Weekend Dentist Visit Looks Like

A weekend dentist visit will look pretty similar to a traditional dentist visit. You can expect there to be less waiting time to get in and see the dentist. There is, however, a chance of backlog if other patients are dealing with emergencies as well. Once in front of the dentist, they will usually ask you what happened and what kind of pain you are dealing with. It’s critical that you fully explain what happened and how the problem arose. Try to be as detailed as possible so the dentist can get a clear idea of what happened and can start preparing potential solutions.

The dentist will begin by trying to drill down on the source of the problem through an examination of the mouth. Problems like abscesses, chipped or broken teeth, or bleeding gums can be easily seen without any further devices. For problems that are more internal, like a nagging toothache, an X-ray may need to be ordered to find the root of the problem. If the problem can be solved in the office, the dentist can get right to work. You may get a new filling or a crown if necessary to get you back to good oral health.

Some issues may require another visit or a waiting period for things to clear up before further treatment can proceed. The dentist can schedule a follow-up appointment for you and possibly provide you with a pain reliever prescription to help with the pain while you wait. In cases where a permanent solution cannot be attained the same day, the dentist will likely provide you with a temporary solution to hold you over.

Benefits of a Weekend Dentist

There are numerous benefits to a dentist's office that’s open over the weekend. Some good reasons to see a weekend dentist include:

  • Instant relief. If you’re dealing with a dental emergency over the weekend, you are likely filled with pain and anxiety. These types of emergencies aren’t just physically painful; they can also take a serious toll on one’s mental and emotional health. A Saturday dentist can quickly diagnose the problem and give you peace of mind, knowing you will be relieved of your pain and worry.
  • It keeps the problem from getting worse. Dental problems can get worse over time if left untreated. Dental emergencies, in the first place often stem from some other issue that was ignored. For example, a toothache may seem like a simple inconvenience, but it could also be a sign of a serious infection that will spread and get worse if you don’t address it. Alternatively, it could be a sign of an exposed nerve, which could cause significant damage if proper care is not sought.
  • Accuracy. People dealing with weekend dental emergencies need accurate diagnoses of the problem. There is nothing worse than dealing with pain and anxiety and not knowing exactly what the problem is. You can trust a weekend dentist to provide you with an accurate diagnosis of the issues and a plan to address them.
  • Care for children. Children usually live much more active lives than their parents do on average. Because of this, they are more prone to injuries, like knocking out or chipping a tooth. When this happens, it is extremely important that you get in to see a weekend dentist, especially for children whose teeth and mouth are still developing. Failing to address a child’s dental emergency could result in long-term consequences for their oral health. Don’t delay; find an emergency dentist open on Saturday or Sunday.

Scheduling a Weekend Dentist in Las Vegas, NV

It can be challenging to find an emergency dentist on the weekend. This challenge can be scary for people dealing with a dental emergency. Rest assured, there are dentists available to see you over the weekend. You will not have to wait until Monday to get the emergency care you need. The team at Emergency Dental Service could provide the care you need.

Emergency Dental Service has an online search tool that can help you find the emergency dentist you need. Also, the number 1-833-624-1382 is available to call if you need help scheduling some time. Don’t wait to get the care you need, especially if you're in pain. A dentist can find the necessary solution to help you feel better.