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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Lincoln, CA

If you’ve ever dealt with a dental emergency, then you know how painful, scary, and overwhelming it can be. These instances often happen in unexpected ways. If something happens over the weekend, it can be even more scary because several dental offices are closed. If you experience a dental emergency over the weekend, you shouldn't hesitate to get in and see a dentist. A weekend dentist can analyze the problem and give you the needed comfort in knowing that treatment is available to help relieve you of the pain.

Some dental emergencies cannot wait until the start of the week when all dentist offices are open. If you need a weekend emergency dentist, you should contact the team at Emergency Dental Service. Our team can act quickly to find available dentist offices in your area.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

Common Dental Emergencies

Chipped teeth, gum disease, and tooth decay are just some of the several kinds of dental emergencies that can happen. While creating good habits to prevent dental emergencies from happening can be good, there are some emergencies that simply cannot be prepared for, such as getting injured in an accident and losing a tooth.


Pain in a tooth can be an indication of a greater issue. A very painful toothache could be a sign of tooth decay, and immediate dental care may be needed. While some toothaches may be manageable without the need to see a weekend dentist, some toothaches can lead to swelling, which is a sign of needing to seek help quickly. If you choose to take a pain reliever like aspirin, you should be careful. Any contact with the affected tooth or swollen area could cause irritation and make the pain worse.

Many times, applying an ice pack or some form of cold compress on your cheek outside of the affected area is a much better way to get short-term pain relief. If the pain is substantial, you should find a dentist open on Saturday or Sunday for help. A dentist will be able to fully diagnose the problem and give you steps to follow to help ensure it doesn’t get worse. They will also likely stress the importance of dental hygiene. Get your tooth checked out promptly before it turns into a greater issue like a cavity, tooth decay, gum disease, or an even greater problem.

Broken or Chipped Teeth

A broken or chipped tooth can typically be caused by a sports accident. This can not only affect your smile, but it can also hurt. Rinsing your mouth out with warm water can help. Also, if you are experiencing any bleeding, it can be helpful to apply a piece of gauze to the area affected. After a few minutes, you could try applying a cold compress. This can reduce swelling and relieve any pain. In many cases, a chipped or broken tooth is cause for an emergency, and you should find a dentist open on the weekend to get immediate treatment. You may have to avoid crunchy or hard foods for a while until your tooth can be fixed.

Knocked Out Tooth

Similar to a chipped or broken tooth, a tooth that’s been knocked out would be an emergency. For a knocked-out tooth, there is only a certain amount of time to get the tooth reinserted. You should find the tooth, rinse it off with warm water, and take it to see an emergency dentist. Only rinse it off; avoid scrubbing it because this could remove important tissue fragments.

Depending on the complexity and severity of the injury, you may be able to put the tooth back in its place. Your chances of repair heavily weigh on your ability to find a dentist as quickly as possible.


Abscesses are infections in the mouth that happen near the root of a tooth or in spaces in between teeth and gums. If left untreated, it can spread to other areas of the mouth and even into other parts of the body. One way to check if you have an abscess is to monitor for any pimples or painful swollen spots in your gums. These spots are usually painful. Ice can be a good way to help keep swelling down before you get in to see a dentist.


Bleeding from brushing or flossing can be normal to an extent, but if the bleeding persists, it’s a sign of a greater issue and requires immediate dental attention. Placing a thick gauze pad over the site of the blood can help slow down the bleeding.

When Tooth Extraction Is Necessary

Tooth extraction is a common emergency dental procedure. It is a last resort way of helping patients. If the tooth cannot be saved or repaired, it will often be extracted. There can be varying reasons for extraction. Some common reasons are:

  • Trauma. A tooth could become fractured, luxated, or otherwise damaged, warranting extraction.
  • Tooth decay. If tooth decay is severe enough, it could cause cavities that are too large to be fixed, leaving extraction as the only option available to prevent further damage.
  • Impacted teeth. This is common with wisdom teeth. Because there isn’t enough room in the mouth for all wisdom teeth to fully erupt, they could impact other teeth as they come in. To prevent any harmful disruption, they can be extracted.
  • Gum disease. Gum diseases can damage or even cause teeth to be lost. If you let these diseases fester, they can cause teeth to become unsupported. Depending on the severity of the disease and the amount of teeth affected, extraction may be the only necessary solution.
  • Infection. A tooth that is deeply infected or full of abscess may need to be extracted. Root canal treatment may also be available, but if it isn’t enough, extraction may be next.
  • Crowded teeth. Similar to wisdom teeth, some teeth may need to be extracted to make room for other teeth.

What To Do After a Tooth Extraction

There are many do’s and don’ts to adhere to after you’ve had a tooth extracted. Some important things to remember are:

  • Control bleeding. Biting firmly on some gauze provided by the dentist is a great way to reduce the bleeding. The pressure helps to form a clot in the tooth socket. You can expect bleeding to last a few hours and maybe even some blood oozing throughout the day. If the bleeding lasts longer than a day, you should contact an emergency dentist.
  • Reduce swelling. Putting an ice pack on your cheek where the extraction happened can help reduce swelling. You should wrap the ice pack in a clean cloth or towel and apply it for roughly ten minutes at a time throughout the day. Some bruising on the face is normal, but applying ice is a great way to reduce it and prevent the swelling from getting worse.
  • Minimize pain. Taking the prescribed medication is necessary to reduce any pain you may feel. If the medicine makes you feel drowsy, you should avoid driving. Speak with your provider before taking any over-the-counter medicines, and take precautions.
  • Get proper rest. You should limit your physical activities and avoid lifting heavy things for at least the first day after the procedure. This will help avoid activating the area and triggering any bleeding. When lying down, it can help you raise your head slightly.

Some do’s and don'ts to follow after a tooth extraction procedure include:


  • Eat soft and healthy foods and drink plenty of liquids.
  • Gently and cautiously brush your teeth.
  • Keep the extraction site as clean as you can.


  • Don’t spit. This could potentially loosen or dislodge the clot.
  • Don’t drink with a straw or suck on any hard candy. Any suction in the mouth could dislodge the clot.
  • Don’t drink any alcohol. Alcohol could delay the healing process.
Dental Offices Open On Saturday

Preventing Dental Emergencies

While dental emergencies are often unexpected and urgent matters that occur in life, there are some good ways to prevent them. Working to build these good habits can help reduce the chances of a dental emergency happening to you.

Practicing Good Oral Hygiene

Perhaps the greatest way of preventing a dental emergency is by consistently practicing good hygiene. It’s one of the most important things you can do for your oral health. Good oral hygiene looks like three main things:

  • Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and for at least a couple of minutes.
  • Flossing your teeth every time you brush or at least once a day.
  • Get your teeth checked and cleaned by a professional at least twice a year.
  • Scheduling regular dental checkups.
 Weekend Emergency Dentist

Brushing and flossing are great ways to combat plaque that builds up along teeth. Plaque is a thin layer of bacteria that can damage your teeth. It can lead to tooth decay or gum disease. While some plaque can be removed with good oral habits, some plaque can only be removed by a professional dentist. This is why getting your teeth cleaned by a professional a few times a year is so important.

Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly

Replacing your toothbrush can be a great and easy way to prevent oral problems. Toothbrushes begin to get worn or splayed after a couple of months of use. Electric toothbrushes can be great because they have built-in wear indicators, making it easy for you to know when to replace them. Replacing your toothbrush is an easy and cost-effective way of maintaining good oral care.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste and Mouth Rinse

Fluoride is a mineral that helps strengthen your teeth and can prevent decay. One of the easiest things you can do is incorporate fluoride toothpaste and mouth rinse into your routine. This can give your teeth extra help fighting against oral issues.

Monitor Your Diet

Eating sugar or other carbohydrates can create plaque in your teeth. Unless you immediately brush or floss your teeth, this plaque could build up into bacteria in your mouth. This could end up damaging the enamel of your teeth. Ultimately, it could lead to cavities in the mouth or even gum disease. What you eat and drink has a direct effect on your oral health, and if you avoid overly sugary foods, you could do a lot to help prevent a dental emergency from happening.

Wear Protective Gear When Playing a Sport

If you are an active football or basketball player or a player of any contact sport, chances are high that you’ve witnessed someone getting a tooth knocked out because of an accident. One way to protect against this is to wear a protective mouthguard. A dentist can create a customized guard that’s comfortable for you to wear. Wearing a mouthguard could make the difference in you keeping all your teeth.

Manage Your Stress

Too much stress or anxiety can have a negative effect on your health. It can also affect your smile. Biting or chewing your nails or chewing on things like pen caps, which is a common symptom of too much stress, can cause you to grind your teeth and develop pain in the jaw.

If you can learn ways to reduce or manage your stress, it can help not only your mental health but also your oral health. Additionally, a dentist can help you deal with some of your symptoms. For example, if you have a bad habit of grinding your teeth at night, a dentist could create a custom-made mouth guard for you to wear while you sleep. This will protect your teeth, your smile, and your overall oral health.

Finding a Weekend Dentist in Lincoln, CA

Perhaps the scariest part of a weekend dental emergency is not being able to find a dentist who can help you. If you have an emergency that’s causing you serious pain, it can add an additional layer of stress to your plate. This unfortunate circumstance can be avoided if you use the online search tool provided by Emergency Dental Service that helps connect patients with available dentist offices. Our team provides excellent care and services to those who need them most over the weekend. You could also call 1-833-624-1382 to schedule an appointment.