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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Lynbrook, NY

Some dental problems can’t wait. An advanced cavity, cracked tooth, or infected gums can cause serious problems for your oral and overall health. Many dental offices in Lynbrook, NY, are only open during the week, meaning a dental emergency could leave Lynbrook residents searching online for a dentist open on Saturday near me.

Fortunately, the dental team at A Caring Dentist understands that dental emergencies cannot wait. This is why we are open on Saturday and Sunday to provide comprehensive dental care to our patients. Once you arrive, we will quickly identify the cause of your oral pain and treat the dental problem so you can recover.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

Benefits of Using a Dentist on Saturday

Working with a dentist open on Saturday comes with many benefits. You will not have to wait to schedule a treatment for your toothache. Depending on the type of dental emergency you have, you may recover quickly enough to miss minimal, if any, work.

We all have busy lives, and not every job affords time to visit the dentist during the week. One benefit of using our weekend services is that you will not have to miss time away from work.

The oral health benefits of using a weekend dentist are clear. Infections and advanced cavities, if not properly treated, can spread. Cavities can cause a root canal infection. Advanced gum disease can lead to gum tissue recession and even tooth loss. By working with an experienced weekend dentist, you can prevent the need for a tooth extraction or more costly dental procedure. Working with a Sunday or Saturday dentist can help you recover more quickly because you will be addressing your dental problem early on. In many cases, you can preserve your natural tooth and prevent the need for an expensive dental prosthetic.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

When we think of dental treatments, many people think of cleanings and examinations. These fall under general dentistry. Dentists schedule patients in six-month intervals to undergo these important treatments and preventative steps.

A dental emergency is a dental problem that requires immediate treatment. If you experience a blow to the face that cracks a tooth, you will need to visit a dental office immediately. Dental emergencies are almost always painful. Failing to treat a dental emergency can lead to serious oral and overall health problems.

Common dental emergencies include:

  • Root canal infections
  • Jawbone injuries
  • Gum lacerations
  • Loose or damaged prosthetics
  • A chipped, cracked, or broken tooth
  • Uncontrollable bleeding
  • Root canal infections
Weekend Dentist Open Saturday In Lynbrook, NY

While a dental emergency can be an unpleasant and stressful experience, we’re here to help. We keep our offices open on weekends because we understand that a dental emergency can happen at any time. One of the first things we will address is your comfort. Your dentist can use local anesthesia to numb the injured or infected portion of your mouth or jaw before treating that area.

Common Causes of Dental Emergencies.

Dental emergencies are almost always unexpected, but there are common causes of dental injuries that we treat at A Caring Dentist.

Advanced Cavity

There’s a reason your dentist and hygienist are always on the lookout for cavities. The small pits and dark spots on enamel can slowly erode the protective covering of your teeth. The process involves bacteria that release acid that slowly degrades the calcified enamel. One way you can prevent advanced cavities is by brushing regularly, avoiding sugary foods, and visiting your dentist twice a year for regular cleanings and exams.

An advanced cavity can eat through the enamel where it eventually reaches the dentin layer beneath. At this point, the cavity can cause significant oral pain. Your emergency dentist can remove the cavity by using a special drill to gently remove the compromised portion of your enamel. They will then use a composite resin material to fill the drilled portion of your tooth. This material looks completely natural and can last for years before needing to be replaced.

Physical Injury

Accidents are a part of life. Whether through a sporting injury, fall, or unexpected blow to the face, teeth can become damaged or dislodged following a physical impact on the jaw or face. Minor chips can be addressed using cosmetic bonding. If the tooth is severely damaged or cracked, your dentist may have to gently remove the tooth. Leaving a damaged tooth could lead to a serious infection. Tooth loss doesn’t mean that your smile will be compromised. There are many dental prosthetics that can replace your lost tooth. Dental implants allow your new tooth to be anchored to the jaw bone.

Prosthetic Issue

Dental bridges, crowns, inlays, and onlay can deteriorate with time. No prosthetic is designed to last forever. When these prosthetics break or come loose, they can cause a dental emergency. A dental crown that falls off is one example. Losing a dental crown or bridge in a visible portion of your smile can be embarrassing. Your emergency dentist will ensure that your natural teeth are not damaged. Replacing your prosthetic may require a follow-up visit with the prosthodontist who placed the bridge, crown, or denture.

Wisdom Teeth

When third molars erupt, there often is not room in the upper or lower jaw for the wisdom teeth. This can cause dental crowding, an impacted tooth, and other serious dental problems. If your wisdom tooth is the cause of your weekend dental emergency, your dentist can gently extract the problematic tooth to restore oral health.

Gum Disease

Sunday dentistry can also address advanced gum disease. In many cases, periodontitis can be reversed through a deep cleaning. Typically performed by a dental hygienist, the treatment involves cleaning the teeth and gums. If your gums are swollen, bleeding, and causing pain, Sunday dentistry can reverse gum disease before it compromises your oral health. Gum disease has been linked with serious cardiovascular problems and conditions. We encourage everyone to take gum health seriously.

Dental Emergency Services

No matter the cause of your toothache, the team at A Caring Dentist in Lynbrook, NY, will quickly assess your symptoms and begin treating the cause of your dental problem. Here are some of the more common dental emergencies we treat.

  • Tooth Extraction: There are many reasons why your dentist may gently remove one or more teeth. We try our hardest to preserve natural teeth, but infections, damage, and other dental problems can compromise a tooth to the point that it is no longer viable. Tooth extraction is a straightforward procedure that is completed using local anesthesia. Following tooth loss, you can explore one of several tooth-replacement options.
  • Cracked or Chipped Tooth: A minor chip can be treated using a special composite resin material that restores strength and structure to your damaged tooth. If your tooth is severely cracked or chipped, your dentist will determine if the tooth can be saved or if it needs to be removed. In some cases, the tooth can be repaired. Never leave a chipped or cracked tooth unaddressed. Any exposed enamel is susceptible to infections that can spread quickly.
  • Abscess: A serious gum infection can quickly spread. The full extent of the infection is not always apparent without professional imaging. Left untreated, the infection can spread through the underlying bone that supports your teeth.
  • Wisdom Tooth: Wisdom teeth can cause a wide range of dental problems. Crowding is just one problem commonly caused by third molars. The teeth often emerge in early adulthood. If your wisdom teeth are causing dental problems, your emergency dentist can determine if extraction is a good option for restoring oral health.
  • Root Canal Infection: A root canal infection can strike at any time. The main symptom is pronounced pain from the infected tooth. When bacteria reach the inner portion of a tooth, the infection can spread quickly. Root canal infections require immediate treatment. Your dentist will gently drill the infected tooth, remove the infected tissue, fill and seal the tooth, and then provide you with recovery instructions.

Every dental problem listed above should be taken seriously. A dental emergency can quickly turn into a health emergency. Taking swift action can ultimately save you time and money.

How Do I Book a Dentist on the Weekend?

At A Caring Dentist, we make booking your weekend dental appointment easy. When a dental emergency strikes, we understand that few people have the time or energy to do an exhaustive search of their local dental emergency treatment options.

You can reach out to us online or you can give us a call. A member of our team will quickly provide you with contact and location information for the closest dentist open on weekends.

Dental Office Open On Saturday In Lynbrook, NY

If you are in extreme oral pain or experiencing uncontrollable dental bleeding, we recommend that you have someone drop you off and pick you up. The moment you arrive, we will treat your emergency as a top priority for our team.

What Happens When I Arrive?

Once you have someone safely drive you to our office, our dentist will work to assess your symptoms and the cause of your oral pain. Sometimes, this can be done quickly simply by explaining what you believe to be the cause of the dental emergency. In other cases, X-rays or other forms of imaging will be used to determine the cause of your emergency.

One benefit of working with a weekend dental emergency dentist is that our offices are often less crowded than weekday offices. This gives our team more time and resources to focus on dental emergencies. If you are in pain, our dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the source of pain. This can bring immediate relief to patients suffering from a root canal infection or other serious dental problems. Some treatments are performed using sedation in addition to local anesthesia.

Once you are comfortable, your dentist will treat the dental emergency using tooth extraction, root canal procedure, deep cleaning, or another treatment option. In some cases, the dental treatment will fully address the underlying problem. A complex dental problem may need to be treated at a later time or at the office of a specialist.

Why Are Weekend Dental Offices Hard to Find?

Most dental offices are open three to five days per week. This is because those practices are often owned by the dentist who practices at the location. The dentist/owner sets his or her own hours and hires staff to manage the office. There often are not sufficient patient numbers to justify weekend hours, and most dentists prefer working standard Monday through Friday hours.

While this model works well for dentists and their employees, it fails to help anyone who experiences a dental emergency on the weekend. This is where we come from. Our office stays open on the weekend because we understand that emergencies can happen at any time, and many people simply don’t have time during the week to address lingering dental problems.

Do Weekend Dental Treatments Cost More?

Anytime someone seeks unique and specialized services, those treatments can cost more. While we strive to provide exceptional and affordable dental care, there are procedures that require specialized procedures that can cost more. That’s just the nature of providing emergency care. We work with state-of-the-art dental equipment to ensure that our patients receive the highest quality of care. Don’t let concerns about affordability keep you from receiving the dental care you need. Our offices will be glad to discuss payment options, and we are in-network with many insurance plans.

Don’t Wait. Treat Your Dental Emergency Today

A dental emergency can cause distress and anxiety. Having to find a dental office on the weekend can often add to that stress because many dental offices are not open on Saturdays and Sundays. We understand that a root canal infection can’t wait. No matter the cause of your dental emergency, you can rely on the team at A Caring Dentist in Lynbrook, NY, to provide prompt and compassionate care.

We utilize the newest and most advanced dental equipment and techniques. You can contact us online or call us at 1-833-624-1382. A specialist will quickly match you to the closest weekend dental office in our expansive network.