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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Montclair, NJ

A minor toothache can quickly erupt into debilitating dental problems. When your oral health is in jeopardy, seeking immediate treatment is critical. In many cases, visiting a Saturday dentist can ultimately save you time and money.

While many dental offices in Montclair, NJ, are closed on weekends, the team at Montclair Dental Spa understands that your dental emergency cannot wait. We offer a wide range of dental services, including emergency treatments, to our patients on Saturdays and Sundays. With prompt action, you can treat your dental emergency and return to work with little or no time missed from work.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

Are you in severe oral pain? One of the most common signs of a dental emergency is oral discomfort or pain. The inner nerves of the teeth are very sensitive, and a toothache can make performing normal tasks difficult, if not impossible. Other common signs of a dental emergency include:

  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • A loose or dislodged tooth
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Swollen gums

A dental emergency is caused by a dental problem that requires immediate treatment. An abscess, root canal infection, or damaged tooth can lead to infections that can compromise the health of your teeth, gums, and jawbone. Dental emergencies do not heal on their own, and the pain associated with these dental problems can cause severe discomfort.

Rather than searching online for a “Saturday dentist near me,” trust your treatment with the team at Montclair Dental Spa. We are open on weekends and specialize in providing emergency dental treatments.

Can I Put Off Treating a Dental Emergency?

Putting off treating a dental emergency will likely lead to preventable tooth loss, pain, and the risk of serious complications. You might think you can put off treating a toothache until your regular dental office opens on Monday. If the pain is coming from a root canal infection, for example, the pain will only magnify hour to hour. This is because infections cause the soft tissue inside the tooth to swell. This places pressure on the nerves because there is nowhere for that swelling to spread.

Dental problems that are initially isolated to one tooth can spread to the underlying jawbone. This can create life-threatening complications that may require a visit to the emergency room. So, while it may be tempting to simply sleep it off and wait for a weekday dental office to open, waiting even a few hours could lead to serious complications that ultimately require invasive treatments and costly restorations.

Common Causes of a Dental Emergency

Not surprisingly, unexpected accidents are a common cause of dental emergencies in Montclair, NJ. A fall on an icy patch of sidewalk can chip, crack, or dislodge a tooth. Sporting accidents can also cause impacts to the face and jaw that damage teeth or lacerate gum tissue.

Lingering dental problems can flare up unexpectedly. Cavities that are not properly treated can eat through enamel and dentin before reaching the vulnerable inner core of the tooth. From there, the bacterial infection spreads quickly, causing severe oral pain and placing the health of the tooth in jeopardy.

Gum disease is common in this country. When gingivitis goes untreated, it can develop into medium and severe gum disease that can ultimately loosen teeth or lead to bleeding. Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss in this country, which is why addressing even mild gum disease is so critical.

If you have a crown, bridge, inlay, or onlay, those dental prosthetics won’t last forever. They may become loose or even dislodge. A dislodged crown, for example, leaves the underlying dentin vulnerable. You will need to be fitted with a temporary crown while your prosthodontist prepares your new bridge. If your prosthetic has come loose, your Sunday dentist can stabilize your tooth so it is not further damaged.

How Will My Weekend Dentist Treat My Emergency?

One of the first steps involves determining the cause of your dental problem. If you experienced a fall or know that a prosthetic came loose, tell your dentist what may have caused the dental emergency. X-rays or a thorough examination may confirm the cause of the problem.

Your comfort is important to us. Your weekend emergency dentist can administer local anesthetic to numb the injured portion of your mouth. This provides immediate relief from discomfort by temporarily shutting down the nerve signals to and from the treatment site. Some invasive treatments come with the option of sedation in addition to local anesthesia.

Once you are comfortable, your dentist will treat your tooth or gums. This could include extracting a tooth that is cracked or severely infected, suturing a cut, applying composite resin to a chipped tooth, performing a root canal treatment, or another emergency treatment that restores your oral health.

Once your treatment is completed, you will be given directions on how to recover properly. You will be told to monitor pain and swelling over the next few days and to avoid any activities that could damage the treated tooth or gums. Most emergency dental procedures require minimal recovery time.

Weekend Dentist Open Saturday In Montclair, NJ

Are There Dental Offices Open on Saturdays and Sundays?

Most dental offices are open a few or five days a week. Dental practices are often owned by the dentist, and they often schedule patients during business hours. This can be convenient for the dentist and their team, but dental emergencies can happen at any time and any day.

This is why our office offers emergency dental procedures on Saturdays and Sundays. If you have been putting off a dental procedure because it is difficult to find time away from work, you can have those procedures performed on the weekend at our Montclair, NJ, office.

Common Dental Emergency Treatments

Once your dental problem has been identified, our dentist will perform one of several procedures to alleviate your oral pain and restore your oral health. Many of the procedures we offer will completely address the underlying dental problem. Other issues, like a faulty dental bridge or broken crown, will be stabilized at our office but may require follow-up visits to a specialist or prosthodontist.

One common emergency dental procedure is a tooth extraction. Any dentist goes to great lengths to save a natural tooth, but there are many situations where removing one or more teeth is needed to restore oral health. Sometimes, a crack, infection, or other forms of damage can compromise the structure of a tooth to the point that it is not savable. Your dentist will numb the treatment site and use a special tooth to gently loosen and remove the tooth. Following a tooth extraction, you will be a candidate for a dental bridge or denture. There are many tooth-replacement options available, including an implant-supported crown, that can restore natural function to your smile following the loss of a tooth.

Root canal treatments remove pockets of infection from inside a tooth. Once the root canals are cleaned and sanitized, a special putty will be placed inside the tooth. An inlay, onlay, or another restoration will seal the hole in your tooth and prevent the return of bacteria. Root canal treatments sound complex but our dentists regularly perform this emergency dental treatment.

Dentists open on weekends at our office can also address a wide range of gum-related problems. Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss in this country. An impact to the face can cut gums, which can lead to extensive bleeding. Whatever the cause of your gum-related dental problem, your dentist can suture cuts or remove pockets of infection so your gums remain strong.

Tips for Preventing Dental Emergencies

Some types of accidents are unavoidable, but there are steps our patients can take to greatly reduce the risk of a dental emergency. One of the most important steps anyone can take is to take preventative care seriously. Brushing twice a day, flossing, and scheduling visits with your general dentist can prevent gum disease, cavities, and other common dental problems that can cause a dental emergency.

Since many dental emergencies result from an unexpected accident, take safety precautions seriously. Wearing a mouthguard during sporting events is one step you can take to prevent an injury that could loosen or dislodge a tooth.

Dentists have a reputation for warning patients not to consume sugary foods and drinks. This is because sugary drinks contain acids that erode enamel. Those drinks also contain sugar that provides food for bacteria that can cause cavities. The small indentations in teeth grow slowly. Bacteria inside the small pits and crevices eat sugar and release acid that demineralizes enamel. Over time, cavities can reach the inner portions of the tooth where toothaches result. An advanced cavity can be the cause of a root canal infection that requires emergency treatment.

Loose, ill-fitting, and damaged restorations can also lead to a dental emergency. If you haven’t had your inlay, onlay, bridge, or denture examined in six months, now would be a good time to do so. Those restorations can come loose. You may not be aware of small pockets of decay developing under those restorations. Only a dentist can carefully examine your restoration to ensure that it is still stable and well-attached to your tooth.

Will My Emergency Dentistry Procedure Hurt?

One of our top priorities at Montclair Dental Spa is your comfort. Emergency visits to the dental office can be stressful. Once you arrive, your treatment will become a top priority for our team. Local anesthesia can alleviate any discomfort or pain that you may be feeling. Your dentist will administer this via a syringe. The anesthetic will numb the nerve that connects the damaged tooth root to the nervous system. If there is a gum-related injury, local anesthesia will be applied to the injured areas to temporarily block nerve signals to and from that area.

Sedation can be administered in addition to local anesthesia. Sedation comes in mild, moderate, and heavy doses that can place you in a dreamlike state that relaxes you during the procedure. Local anesthesia can ensure that you are comfortable throughout your procedure. Discomfort following your treatment can be addressed in the hours and days following your visit by taking over-the-counter medications at a dosage recommended by our dentist. Following your procedure, let our office know of any unexpected flare-up in discomfort. Although rare, this could be a sign of a compilation.

Any dental treatment can lead to mild discomfort near the treatment area as your body heals. Following the recovery guidelines given by your dentist can prevent unintended flare-ups in discomfort.

What Types of Procedures Don’t Fall Under Emergency Dentistry?

If you require a dental prosthetic like a denture or bridge, that is best done by a professional prosthodontist. Replacing a missing tooth may seem like an urgent matter, but finding the right restoration should not be rushed.

Teeth cleanings and examinations are part of general dentistry, not emergency dentistry. Our office performs a wide range of treatments, so don’t hesitate to call and schedule treatments that fall under general dentistry.

Cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile, but those procedures do not fall under emergency dentistry. Common cosmetic dentistry procedures include teeth whitenings, cosmetic bonding, and gum contouring. The majority of our patients find that seeking treatment greatly reduces discomfort because the cause of the pain is directly addressed at our office.

Dental Office Open On Saturday In Montclair, NJ

Don’t Put Off Treatment- Visit An Emergency Dentist Today

If you are nursing a toothache that won’t go away, our dentists can identify the cause of your discomfort and perform gentle effective treatments to restore your oral health. One of the first signs of a dental emergency is the sudden onset of discomfort or pain. Uncontrolled bleeding is another symptom that you should head to our office on the weekend. Once the problem is treated, you’ll soon be able to return to life and work without the worry of the discomfort returning.

We’re here to help. Contact our online listing or give us a call at 1-833-624-1382. A friendly representative will promptly direct you to the nearest emergency dental office within our network.