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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Norcross, GA

You never know when a dental emergency might strike. We all strive to take extra care of our teeth and practice oral hygiene as best we can. But there are times when our own efforts towards oral health are not enough, and we are faced with a dental emergency. The worst thing about a dental emergency is that they can happen at any moment, often when you least expect them to. If they happen during the weekend, you may be worried you won’t be able to find a dentist open on weekends.

Fear not. Emergency Dental Service is here to help. Our talented and sympathetic team can connect you with a weekend dentist as soon as possible and provide you with solid, immediate dental care outside the normal hours of your typical dentist. Unique Dental Spa, based in Norcross, GA, is one such entity that we work with. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to cater to the public’s oral health. On weekends, they can take care of any and all dental emergencies that you may be dealing with.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any immediate situation involving your teeth that is painful, unusual, or somewhat jarring and needs to be resolved as quickly as possible before it turns into something worse. Diagnosing a dental emergency may not be easy as many of the symptoms are similar and could be the start of something larger and more complex. A weekend emergency dentist can clear things up for you, let you know exactly what your symptoms are, and help you understand how to treat them.

Emergency Dental Service can provide you with weekend emergency dentists near you, such as Unique Dental Spa, so you can get your dental emergency resolved quickly and as painlessly as possible.

Dealing with a sudden and unfamiliar pain in your mouth can be stressful and unnerving. If you are not quick in addressing it with the proper medical professionals, it could turn into something irreparable that will certainly be worse. Nobody likes dealing with oral pain. Emergency Dental Service can help you squash that pain and ease your stress. Common dental emergencies include:

  • Knockout teeth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Root canals
  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Toothaches
  • Broken or lost crowns
  • Dislodged teeth
  • Broken braces and/or retainers
  • Loss of a permanent tooth, filling, or sealant
  • Mouth injuries
  • Abscesses
  • Broken dentures
  • Jaw swelling

Any of these painful and annoying symptoms or injuries could potentially be a dental emergency, and you may want to take steps to contact a weekend dentist to help you address them if they happen to you over the weekend. Don’t forget the more you put it off, the worse it can become. Letting injuries fester until they no longer resemble the original problem, but something far worse and more painful is never a good plan.

Dental emergencies should be taken just as seriously. The best thing you can do for yourself is contact a weekend dentist like Unique Dental Spa to fix your problem before it gets worse.

The Benefits of a Dentist Open on Saturday or Sunday

There is no way to tell when an emergency will happen to you. They hit us when we least expect them to and serve us with a sudden new priority that could greatly affect our immediate or extended future. Dental emergencies are not any different. Regardless of whether they are making your smile look a little strange or they are literally stopping you from chewing solid food, they need to be looked at by dental professionals as soon as possible.

Emergencies do not only occur on weekdays. If they did, we could see them coming and be able to handle them much easier and much calmer. But they happen on the weekends or evenings, too, and that’s when it causes inconvenience. When a dental emergency happens to you on the weekend, your first thought may be worry since you may think your dentist does not work weekends and is, therefore, unavailable. Do not panic.

While most dentists keep regular working hours, there are dentists with Saturday and Sunday hours who can help you. Since you are unable to see your usual dentist for this emergency, reaching out to a weekend dental emergency professional is your best option for fast, effective dental relief.

Remember, a dental emergency is exactly that- an emergency. It does not mean that making an appointment with a weekend dentist is the perfect opportunity to fit in that teeth cleaning and fluoride application you’ve been unable to do during the workweek.

Making this appointment means your dental emergency is seriously impeding your life. You may not be able to eat. You may not be able to even talk. The pain you are feeling is staggering and unbearable, and you need it taken care of as quickly as possible. If you put it off until Monday, you run the risk of turning a small medical issue into a larger, possibly more painful and expensive one.

Finding a Weekend Dentist Near You

If you are dealing with a dental emergency in the Norcross, GA area, you should take action quickly by reaching out to Emergency Dental Service to connect with an emergency dentist near you. If your dental emergency is affecting your ability to speak, you may want to consider having a friend or family member contact us on your behalf, or you could schedule an emergency appointment online.

At this point, we will start developing a potential treatment plan that we can discuss with you when you arrive. Upon your arrival at Unique Dental Spa, we will evaluate the strength and nature of your dental emergency. Then, we will determine the proper course of action going forward and do what we can to solve your dental emergency so you can enjoy the remainder of your weekend without worrying about your oral health.

Dental Office Open On Saturday In Norcross, GA

Different Kinds of Dental Emergencies

Treating a weekend dental emergency is not really any different than treating a dental emergency during the traditional workweek. The only real difference is that weekend dental emergencies may be a bit more expensive due to urgency. Here are some of the more common dental emergencies we can treat at Unique Dental Spa.

  • Abscessed Tooth: An abscess is an infection happening in your mouth near the root of a tooth or around the gumline. If it is left untreated, it can spread through the mouth and harm gum tissue or other teeth. It can even start to spread through the body, leading to more infections elsewhere. If you think you have an abscess, tell your dentist and they will have a look for you.
  • Toothache: Toothaches are something we all hate having to deal with. They are an ultimate nuisance, but could also be the cause of a larger problem at work. If you have a toothache, the best thing you can do is make a dentist appointment just to see why you have a toothache in the first place. It couldn’t hurt.
  • A toothache is not always just a toothache. A dentist can help you figure out if there is more to the ache than what it seems. In the meantime, over-the-counter pain relief is an option for immediate relief.
  • Knockout Tooth: A knockout tooth, more medically known as an “avulsed tooth,” happens more than you would think. Any sort of traumatic injury can result in a tooth getting knocked out, such as a fist fight or a car accident. It happens quite a bit in sports. If your tooth gets knocked out or dislodged for whatever reason, there is a chance we may be able to put the tooth back in.
  • If you can preserve the tooth in liquid and bring it with you to your appointment, we will certainly try to save it. We will also take a look at the empty socket for signs of infection.
  • Cracked or Broken Tooth: We all must take precautions when we are chewing. Biting your tongue or the side of your mouth is one thing, but biting into something too hard to chew is another thing entirely. That immediate pain sends shivers throughout your entire body and could result in a broken tooth. It is a terrible feeling, and you feel even worse when you realize you did break off a tooth.
  • Chipping a tooth can ruin your entire weekend. There could be nerve damage that will hurt even more. If you break a tooth over the weekend, you should find a Saturday dentist or a Sunday dentist who can take care of it as quickly as possible. While a cracked tooth can often be fixed with a simple filling, if the damage is extensive, the tooth may need to be removed.
  • Broken Orthodontics: Anyone who has ever had braces knows how easy it is to bust a bracket or dislodge a wire. A busted orthodontic has the potential to really tear your mouth up. Try to bend the wire in such a way that it doesn’t scrape the inside of your mouth, and contact a weekend dentist who can reset it for you. Don’t try to remove the wire or pull off the bracket, as you could risk damaging your entire orthodontic set.

These are just a few of the common services a weekend dentist can provide for you in your moment of need. We can handle other problems as well if you did not see yours listed above. Reach out to Emergency Dental Service if you have an immediate problem, and we will do what we can to help.

How to Make an Appointment with a Saturday or Sunday Dentist

Fitting a last-minute, impromptu dentist appointment into your weekend plans can be a serious source of stress. You likely already had plans made for a fun weekend adventure, but now you have to figure out a way to deal with your dental emergency on top of everything else.

The longer you opt not to make that appointment, the worse your dental emergency can get. If you wait too long, your first emergency could turn into a new, much worse emergency due to neglect. Before long, you could be looking at a first-rate root canal as the only solution.

That’s why it is so important to contact Emergency Dental Service right when your dental emergency rears its head, and we can find the nearest weekend dentist who can help you. We will let them know of your emergency and help you make an appointment with an emergency dentist as quickly as they are able to fit you in.

Emergency Dental Service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we foster relationships with reputable dentists across the country, particularly with dentists who treat weekend dental emergencies. To contact us, visit our website or give us a call at any time of day. On our site, you can view all the emergency dentists in your vicinity and who is available for a quick, urgent appointment.

Weekend Dentist Open Saturday In Norcross, GA

What Will the Appointment Look Like?

The biggest difference between your weekend dental appointment and a regular weekday dental appointment is that it likely will not be crowded. People don’t usually see dentists on the weekends, so the waiting room probably won’t have many people — apart from other people dealing with a weekend dental emergency.

Once you are in to see your dentist, you will likely explain to them your situation, even if you have already done so over the phone with Unique Dental Spa or with Emergency Dental Service. It's good practice to ensure everyone is on the same page. The dentist will perform an initial examination to try and determine the problem at hand. Depending on how noticeable your issue is, you may not need to have any X-rays done.

Once your examination is done and the dentist has determined the cause of your emergency, they will prescribe treatment, which will be entirely dependent on the severity of your problem.

Receive the Emergency Dental Care You Need

If you need dental treatment over the weekend, reach out to Emergency Dental Service today so we can help you make an appointment with a weekend dentist. Visit our website or call 1-833-624-1382 with any questions.